Black Pearl Espresso (aka Essie)
Born: September 22, 2014
Hips (PennHip): .49/.52 no DJD (70th percentile)
Hips: OFA good (prelim)
Elbows: OFA Normal (prelim)
Owned and Loved by Chuck and Janine Erato
AKC Grand Champion
AKC Therapy Dog International Titled (TDI)
AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
AKC Canine Community dog (CGCA)
AKC Urban Canine Good Citizen (CGCU)
AKC Lure Coursing titled (BCAT, DCAT, DAX)
AKC Dock Diving Novice (DN)
Farm Dog Certification (FDC)
Advanced Trick Dog
#1 Cane Corso in FAST-TRACK 2017
Espresso has been very busy since she came home with her mom, Chai. Espresso has taken the beginner, intermediate, and advanced classes at the local PetSmart. She completed her Canine Good Citizen test (CGC), Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) and Canine Good Citizen Urban (CGCU) by the time she was a year old. We discovered Essie is a runner and started Coursing Ability Tests with her. She currently holds her CAA for completing ten clean runs. She competed in some Fast CATS finishing her Coursing Ability Title (CAA for 10 clean runs) in one weekend with her fastest electronic time of 25.96 miles per hour. In her down time, she is enjoying weight pulling classes at the K9Jym in Colmar. She competes through the International Weight Pull Association and competitively pulls over 900 pounds. She is not only weight pulling because she loves it but weight pulling is designed to burn off excess energy, build body strength and conditioning, increase a dog’s confidence, develop a bond of trust between the dog and handler, and is also a competitive sport. Her next adventure is that she goes on some of the therapy visits with her mom since she has completed her therapy dog test.
(By Janine and Chuck Erato)