Black Pearl Breeding Philosophy
Why should you consider adding a Black Pearl puppy to your family?
Because of 3 important reasons that made us AKC Cane Corso Breeders of Merit and members of the AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T program:
Health - All the dogs that are taking part in our breeding program are health tested. We normally test for hips, elbows, eyes, and heart. Females are also tested for thyroid.
Temperament - All our breeding dogs have passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. We currently have 3 generations of Therapy Dogs International certified dogs in our breeding lines.
Italian authenticity – We aim to breed dogs that are true to the original Italian look. In our dogs’ pedigrees, you can find the leading Cane Corsos in the world of all times. Our dog’s lineage can be traced all the way to the beginning of the documented Corso in Italy. As such, our dogs demonstrate a consistent ongoing success in the show ring.
As Cane Corso breeders, we know that when you buy a Cane Corso puppy you make a commitment for the next 10-12 years. For that reason, we devote much time and effort to our breeding. So you can rest assured that we did our best to produce Cane Corso puppies with great health and temperament which are true to the Italian style of the Cane Corso.