Thinking of becoming a Cane Corso owner? This website is devoted to our wonderful owners, who started their way in the breed just like you are doing now - by researching and asking questions.
What made our owners to choose us, you may ask. Our breeding focuses on temperament, health, and true Italian style Cane Corsos. We are AKC Cane Corso Breeders of Merit, and members of the AKC Bred with H.E.A.R.T program. So, you can be sure about the quality of our breeding.
Please read more about us, and enjoy our website.

Health. Temperament. True Italian style!
AKC Breeder of Merit
Black Pearl Star-Chai Temperament Program
Because temperament matters!
At Black Pearl, we place a high priority on our Corsos temperament. We are proud to have multiple generations of therapy dogs in our breeding. Many of Black Pearl owners had their Corsos passed successfully different temperament tests such as AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC), ATTS and Therapy Dog International (TDI). Black Pearl supports and encourages such activities via our – Black Pearl Star-Chai temperament program. Under this program, we will reimburse the temperament testing fees of any of our dogs who passed it successfully. Will you join us and show the best side of Cane Corso temperament?